Tuesday, 22 July 2014

The Beginning of the Cigars that you ought to know

Knowing the history of smoking cigars:

The cigar is known to have come a long way since the pages and times of history. The luxury, the aroma of cigar is so much more that we often get consumed in it and forget about the rest. We often forget the legends or the tales of it. But these are surely not to be missed out. It is like missing out on its extravagance and simply forgetting or letting go of the past, which includes the efforts of those who sincerely tried to make cigars what they are today and the position that they enjoy among us in the society.
Smoking accessories
Smoking accessories

You cannot simply miss out on the culture of the cigar and everything else which gave it the position now it has. So it is good to know a little about the tidbits of cigar while you are taking a puff from a brand. How it all happened and also knowing about how the smoking accessories got started.

The first for smoking cigars:

It all started with the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. He can also be called as the inventor of cigar as well. He can be called that though he wasn’t exactly the first one to come with the concept of tobacco smoking. There have been archaeological discoveries which leads to believe that there back in the 900 A.D., the ones staying in the Caribbean Islands and also in Mesoamerica used to smoke cigars. This discovery was made when the researchers came across a vessel which was ceramic from the Mayan ruins in the Guatemala. This vessel was well-decorated and with the painting of a man smoking cigar. Of course we cannot get the man to tell you the truth here.

The invention of the band:

For any non-smoker, it will sound like the group of musicians who all get together in a basement which is all smoky. And they together sing songs and play music on tobacco. For a true cigar smoker, the cigar band of his will be like an important thing, full of history and color. The band or also the cigar ring is actually a circular piece of paper that is wrapped around the head of most cigars. According to the legends, these have been discovered by the Spanish nobles or even it can be Catherine the Great, the one who reigned as the Empress of Russia from the late 1700s to the early 1800s. The reason for this invention was due to the nobles who were fond of cigars, yet had to avoid it for the stain of cigar that will be left on their gloves.

There are though other legends which state that the band of the cigar was due to the idea of Gustave Bock, who was an advertising guru, Dutch in descent. He reasoned that the invention was done to keep the cigar together, for binding the wrapper to the filler in a more cohesive way. With time slowly the cigar accessories too got their way made in the society.
Cigar accessories
Cigar accessories
Lots of stories…..

So it is difficult to understand who really came with the idea. But it is true that the cigar carries a lot of stories with it. If you have to get a start it will be most likely from how it all started, how the habit got spread and important additions and inventions which it had till it made its way to the modern day cigar. You can probably know of these from a cigar bar to some extent.

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