Tuesday, 14 October 2014

How the Cigar Embargo is Working in the US

About the cigar embargo on Cuba by Kennedy:

The cigar embargo on the cigars from Cuba seems to have added to the exciting reputation that these cigars already had. May it is as smoking something illegal is considered to be more fun than the idea of smoking something which is already allowed. We always have that other side in us which always want to try something risky and taste great things in life. And for this reason a lot of ours attention was on these cigars when they were banned. One the smokers learnt that they can’t have these; they started to ask for more. All these caused a boom in the market and these cigars were being circulated everywhere.
Cuban Cigars
Cuban Cigars

There began an upslope of smoking these cigars and smuggling them began. The Americans thought of a way. They simply started transporting the Cuban cigars from places such as Canada where the embargo was not put. A lot of them gave up their jobs and started the business of the fake cigar peddling which wasn’t much of a plan but the idea was anyway lucrative.

About the criticism:

Now, when the embargo once began, the criticism followed soon. Everywhere, the tobacco lovers were all angry when they had to stand helplessly and watch that their favorite cigar brand in the world if not any more available to them. There is a lot of criticism in the level of politics. But of course you will sympathize if you thing of the plight of a cigar aficionado.

Cigar Aficionado
Cigar Aficionado
A lot argue that the embargo on these cigars has only improved and strengthened the unity that is between Cuba and Soviet Union. It is quite similar to the Pearl Harbor attack strengthening the ties between Great Britain and the US. There are some who argue that it gave Fidel Castro the excuse for the lack of prosperity in Cuba. There was a time when Cuba was full of problems and then the critics were afraid that Castro will shrug shoulders and say not to blame it on him but on the cigars. It is even to this day that the embargo continues and the members from the United Nations look in a sad way on them. The UN calls for a large vote for the majority so that the US can have the embargo shifted and each year, US refuses to do so. And this goes on…..

The impact that it has…..

Of course no American will want the Communism to get spread everywhere on the globe. They will have one thing against it- their belief that, this type of government is meant for the little ants and not for humans. However, ask any and you will find them all telling that they want the cigars from Cuba to not be illegal. They would all very much like to find these cigars from any regular cigar shop. Even JFK himself was fond of these cigars. Before signing the executive order for the embargo, he sent his secretary to get a stockpile of these cigars. It was the eve before signing of the papers. Yes we know what you feel about it.

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