Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Ashtrays being used for Various Uses

Ashtrays are important for smokers:

It cannot be so for women, but for men and a lot of them, an ashtray is definitely of importance. This is especially true for the ones who smoke. Some time back, this accessory was only a plain round ceramic thing with no particular design etched on it. Their only need was to collect ash from the cigarettes and cigars in order to maintain cleanliness in the place. But these days, these are already available in different designs and shapes and sizes as well. It depends completely on the person’s personal taste and surely there will be an ashtray of the right design and shape which will be perfect for the individual.

Ash Trays
Ash Trays
Now, where can a person use an ashtray? One can reply that it is meant for gathering the ashes of cigars and cigarettes so that these don’t scatter around. However this is just one reason for it. We here are going to provide you with some ideas and tell you how an ashtray can be used.

Some ways in which you can use these ash trays:

Collection of the butts and cigar ashes together: This, we have already mentioned here. It is apparently a fundamental reason for using these accessories. The ashes and the butts if are allowed to scatter in some places then it can be a real difficulty for the person who will be cleaning. It won’t be easy gathering these together and it is all hard work. The ashes can get stuck to fixtures, furniture and others like fabrics. However, if you have an ashtray then there won’t be any need for fussing over the mess which will come with the cigars. It will also be easy cleaning the butts and ashes.

These can be souvenirs or fancy gifts: If you are looking for some real unique gift or a souvenir, then an ashtray can be a good one. You can definitely have a customized one for perfectly fitting the wishes of the person. An ashtray can fir perfectly in any occasion and can be customized easily. This will give more scope in fitting in particular occasion. For example, it can be a perfect bachelor party gift. It can also be a simple thanking gift for someone.

Can be kept as personal collection: It isn’t that only a few people want to collect different types of the cool ashtrays. If you start now, over time you will have a huge range to choose from. These will include the most expensive ones and also the cheaper ones. These accessories are also used for the decorating a space in a drawing room. For the ones who are thinking of starting this new hobby, the collection of ashtrays of different sizes, shapes and designs can really be a good thing to consider.

Cigar Accessories
Cigar Accessories
As stuffs for promotions: This is yet another good use of these cigar accessories. There are organizations that are talking and spreading awareness about health and they can give out the customized ashtrays with the quotes about good health and also other good designs which are possible and it will all be a wise thing for doing. To add with these, these ashtrays can also be imprinted with any logo or have the contact details of the company for promoting the business.

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