Monday, 16 February 2015

How did the Cigar Smoking Started

How did this start?

A cigar is much better than cigarettes. The aroma and the taste of tobacco is mind blowing and there is still more to this. People have this addiction to these since they find this to be a source of relief when they are in some stress. According to them, smoking cigarette is always fine and they love it. A lot of other people find it to be a good way of flaunting their class and wealth. But of course, this may not be all and it may leave you in thinking that exactly when this got started at all. You may be waiting and doing research to know of the ones who started with this. Well, a lot of them may say the credit should go to Christopher Columbus but the truth is otherwise. Yes we agree that Columbus was the one to discover America, or at least the first to reach there (actually it was claimed and recognized by Amerigo Vespucci) and yes since it all was done by the Americans. But that doesn’t mean that we give away the credit to him. Sorry Columbus and you know well that it’s someone else.
There have been much researching on this, and some of the researchers have seen that a lot of the Mesoamerican population actually started with the smoking thing, and definitely cigars. This goes 100 years back in the pages of history. There is one ceramic container or vessel which has been found from a Mayan site in Guatemala. The object shows of a man who is smoking what is clearly can be seen as a cigar. Thus, the Cigares made their way long back.

So what did that do to us?

A lot. It has changed a lot regarding the cigar selling and smoking scenario. There has been no reduction in the demand of the cigars from that time and this discovery has seemed to put on a new thing and has sparked the already growing popularity of cigars more. The manufacturers are experimenting to form more types of cigars and thus new brands are being formed every year. This has all helped the smokers to gain access to several of these brands and across the world. You can get some of them at places like a Cigar Lounge Brussels .
Cuaba Cigars
Cuaba Cigars

There is a huge popularity in the market for cigars with all the new brands making their way and there are more than 20 brands which are counted among the top. These brands have their tobacco harvested from the parts such as Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico and more. It also includes the eastern part of US and Philippines. Cigars have been such an influence that a lot of stores are trying to have them stocked up belonging to different brands that are leading also have them released in the right time in the market. This will be done anyhow and will surely be affordable. Such cigars have their tobacco leaves processed in the manner that one can get flavor, aroma and the burning feeling every time he takes a puff. The cuaba cigars are really one brand which are good and for these reasons.

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