Wednesday, 10 December 2014

The Scene with Cigar Lounges & Bars

The recent thing about cigars…..

There are aficionados of cigars who are really proud that they never gave up smoking cigars and are cheerful of the fact. You will come across the ones too, who are aged like they are going to hit a century and yet are smokers of cigars. Well, you can consider them to be the ideal ones or role models to follow, or you can also have them as the poster people for your strike against anti-cigar movement, which is now getting some support in the US, it can also be a question that why aren’t you doing this honor to some of the names like Sigmund Freud, Mark Twain and others? There are a number of restaurants who are finding themselves to be under regulation in order to have smoking prohibited and also a lot of cigar bars had their doors closed since a long time. It all gives the impression that a cigar smoker today will have less company or less scope of company to smoke.

There was a cigar boom which had simply swept the entire US in the early 1990s and it had been in the same end result like any other history boom. It has now expired and it was an unhappy and cynical group which has now filled its place. Apart from the doctors who’d earlier ask to stop cigar smoking, the neighbors, relatives, friends and even spouse are doing the same.

But there is scope…..
Cigare Lounge Bruxelles
Cigare Lounge Bruxelles
There are ones who are not involved with the cigar industry and yes, the good thing is that they aren’t fretting. If you will go a step back and then observe a boom’s nature, you will be realizing that there must have been some new idea which got the crowd excited. And that worked for the Cigare Lounge Bruxelles as well. Just like this, there have been other types of booms as well- like the internet boom, the recent wine boom, the coffee boom and more to include in the list. This is now the age of technology and information and in this, the traditions and cultures are now getting access to things with the internet, the World Wide Web and this is how it all happens. Well, the cigar boom is just the same and it will be the rage for sometime now and then once the dust settles, it will still be there, very much a part of regular routine for a lot of people.
Cigar Lounge Brussels
Cigar Lounge Brussels
One example can be with the coffee bar. It got launched in every corner of the US in the 1990s and for some places; there were even two coffee bars within one block. However, the students and the hipsters slowly got bored of coffee finally and it seems that they have now moved to smoking cigars and hence the cigar bars. But the coffee business has never shut down, it exists and there are a lot of people who go to such bars and regularly almost. Similarly the Cigar Lounge Brussels will also find their own audience once the rage is over and will remain as well.

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