Tuesday, 24 March 2015

How to get the Right Cigar and the Smoking Right too

Make the right selection of cigars:

There are a number of cigar brands from which you can easily select the right cigar for you. We here are trying to help you with that. To start with we must tell you that if you are a cigar lover, you are definitely one of the luckiest persons on this earth. Why? Well, cigars, especially the exotic brands provide to us a great taste and flavor which no other thing can do. Yes, nothing equals to this. You can select the mild one to start with, if you are a beginner or yet not a connoisseur. Well, we can’t say that the mild ones are reserved only for this purpose. Anyone can try anything but we will say that you can try the ones which are not so strong if it’s a first time. So always go with the light ones and then have your way worked up to the stronger ones.


There are definitely some benefits if you are starting with the mild ones. To start with, they will cost lesser then the stronger ones. Also there won’t be any need to lose a lot of money since these are also easier to cut. You need to know of ways to light them and then cut them. Then you need to store them as well. Remember one thing with the Bruxelles, they will surely dry out if they aren’t contained. And it is an art to preserve them.

Know how to get the most out of the cigars:

The cigar enthusiasts who have been trying these cigars have a lot to tell you. There is one thing which you should know if you want to enjoy these cigars. One must know of the stuff which will be useful to all the recipients who will really be happy to have the gift of cigars which you will send their way. Also you can get these brands of cigars online as well.
Cigars online
Cigars online

So here we go:

You shouldn’t be inhaling the smoke of the cigar while you are puffing one and also keep the smoke in the mouth as shorter as you can. Inhale it out and never keep it.

There are cigars which are smoked partly and not fully. But never store them or else they will give a stinky smell to the humidor.

There are a number of cigar brands in the market of different colors, shades and more. You can experiment with them.

You can also think of buying the cigars which can be in sticks and that are then stored in any humidor. Always remember to age the cigars well and for that you need to remove its packaging and then have it placed in the humidor for some months. After that you can smoke. Never think of storing these in the refrigerator or else they will get dried.

If the tip of a premium cigar is bit off by someone, it is good for him, but not you. It really looks uncivilized and hence we will suggest you to go for a cigar cutter.

There are more which you can find out any Cigar Lounge Brussels .

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